Structural design

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Structural design

Relying on Cashome Design & Contract for the structural design of a building means making use of a pool of professionals consisting of Structural Engineers, Architects and Plant Designers.
It is a close-knit team that collaborates on the study of geometries, construction details and properties of the most suitable materials. A guarantee, in terms of safety and durability, of every indoor and outdoor building project.

Structural design for indoor

The structural design for indoor for Cashome Design & Contract is aimed at ensuring the structural and seismic upgrading of buildings.
Cashome’s goal is to combine architectural requirements with the placement and sizing of structural elements in order to verify the stability of the building itself.

The Cashome team is highly qualified and constantly updated on the latest technologies and regulations related to works intended for residential, tertiary and buildings subject to the superintendence of architectural and landscape heritage constraints.
Specifically, Cashome structural designs include the following deliverables:

Structural calculation report, including a general description of the work and general criteria for analysis and verification

Structural design for the outdoors

CASHOME Design & Contract also develops structural designs for the outdoors characterized by innovative ideas and with an important orientation towards optimization of construction time and costs.
Not only that, the company’s work always guarantees high levels of quality and reliability of the work, even in the outdoor sphere.
Specifically, it deals with outdoor structural design for:

Our services

Rely on the professionalism of the CASHOME Design & Contract Team for the turnkey design of your home.

Progettazione e ristrutturazione

Con noi la casa è senza pensieri, progettata chiavi in mano. Cashome Design & Contract è specializzata nella progettazione edilizia integrata.

Progettazione e interior su nuova costruzione

Cashome è sempre con te, per progettare e costruire la tua casa su misura, passo dopo passo.

Progettazione interior design

Cashome Design & Contract crea progetti unici nel suo genere uno stile minimalist e moderno di Interior Design.

Progettazione Smarthome

La SmartHome è, per definizione una casa intelligente, che sfrutta un impianto integrato di tipo domotico per migliorare il comfort, la sicurezza e i consumi di chi vi abita.

Progettazione architettonica Outdoor

Nella filosofia CASHOME, la dimensione outdoor si integra in perfetta armonia con il paesaggio circostante. mantenendo sempre un espressione moderna e minimalist.

Lighting design

La progettazione dell’illuminazione – lighting design – secondo Cashome è un imprescindibile elemento d’arredo per modellare suggestive atmosfere, sia indoor che outdoor.

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