Smarthome Design

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Plant design according to cashome

The SmartHome is, by definition, a smart home, which uses an integrated home automation system to improve the comfort, safety and consumption of those living in it. The SmartHome’s centralized system allows users to manage various features inside the home, turn on or off devices present, optimize energy loads, and create tailored scenarios based on their preferences and habits by leveraging the behavior matrix.

This is a comprehensive and integrated consultancy that includes all the design drawings necessary for the proper implementation of the work, in full compliance with current regulations.

Indoor plant design

Cashome Design & Contract accompanies each building project with solutions aimed at the correct sizing of all systems such as:

Specifically, the Cashome Team with plant design fulfills the important task of ensuring comfort and healthiness within confined spaces.
In addition to improving the overall performance of the property, it ensures seamless integration of the systems with the structural elements, guaranteeing:

Plant design for the outdoors

The team of Engineers, Architects and Designers at Cashome Design & Contract collaborates synergistically in order to create state-of-the-art installations for outdoor environments as well:

Our services

Cashome Design & Contract selects the best technologies available on the market, for timely design of systems aimed at shaping outdoor spaces.
The company is distinguished by its value-driven approach, combining maximum aesthetic performance, efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Rely on the professionalism of the Cashome Design & Contract Team for the turnkey design of your home.

Progettazione e ristrutturazione

Con noi la casa è senza pensieri, progettata chiavi in mano. Cashome Design & Contract è specializzata nella progettazione edilizia integrata.

Progettazione e interior su nuova costruzione

Cashome è sempre con te, per progettare e costruire la tua casa su misura, passo dopo passo.

Progettazione interior design

Cashome Design & Contract crea progetti unici nel suo genere uno stile minimalist e moderno di Interior Design.

Progettazione strutturale

Affidarsi a Cashome Design & Contract per la progettazione strutturale di un edificio significa avvalersi di un pool di professionisti composto da Ingegneri strutturisti, Architetti e Impiantisti.

Progettazione architettonica Outdoor

Nella filosofia CASHOME, la dimensione outdoor si integra in perfetta armonia con il paesaggio circostante. mantenendo sempre un espressione moderna e minimalist.

Lighting design

La progettazione dell’illuminazione – lighting design – secondo Cashome è un imprescindibile elemento d’arredo per modellare suggestive atmosfere, sia indoor che outdoor.

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