Outdoor Architectural Design

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The architectural design of outdoor spaces is conceived with the same care as that of indoor spaces.
In the CASHOME philosophy, the outdoor dimension is integrated in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape. always maintaining a modern and minimalist expression.
The constructive dialogue between customer and company gives birth to projects in perfect balance between indoor and outdoor, between functionality and design, between comfort and sustainability.
The Cashome proposal is therefore presented as an integrated configuration of the following different elements:

In preliminary, feasibility and executive design studies, each individual element is enhanced within a unique, almost symphonic composition that leaves room for a sense of pure wonder.
Finally, special attention in outdoor architectural design is also given to the creation of:

Pool design and construction

Cashome designs in-ground or above-ground pools equipped with the most advanced technologies for water filtration and purification.

In detail Cashome realizes:

Specifically, the Cashome team takes care of every aspect, both aesthetic and functional:

Design and implementation of sun protection systems

Cashome Design selects the best solar protection solutions, suitable for achieving perfect shading of a building’s glazed surfaces in both hospitality, tertiary and residential settings.
Specifically, the Team accompanies projects with the following sun protection systems:

CASHOME’s goal is to ensure maximum indoor comfort and greater energy savings.
In detail, CASHOME’s specialization also embraces outdoor architecture for the creation from scratch of outdoor living spaces dedicated to relaxation and conviviality.
Real oases of peace made with:

Outdoor furniture, signed Cashome, combines an aesthetic soul but always with maximum functionality.
The former amazes, captivates and fascinates while the latter makes the most of the entire available area, even in the winter period.

Designing green areas and playgrounds

Cashome Design & Contract deals with the design of green areas. In this specific area, it also places the youngest children at the center of the design with the creation of playgrounds.

In particular, it develops design concepts aimed at designing environments that are functional and colorful but, at the same time, safe and reliable, where children can play safely.

It is worth highlighting that every single area is conceived by the Cashome Design & Contract Team in full compliance with the main European standards, which regulate their construction.

Our services

Rely on the professionalism of the CASHOME Design & Contract Team for the turnkey design of your home.

Progettazione e ristrutturazione

Con noi la casa è senza pensieri, progettata chiavi in mano. Cashome Design & Contract è specializzata nella progettazione edilizia integrata.

Progettazione e interior su nuova costruzione

Cashome è sempre con te, per progettare e costruire la tua casa su misura, passo dopo passo.

Progettazione interior design

Cashome Design & Contract crea progetti unici nel suo genere uno stile minimalist e moderno di Interior Design.

Progettazione strutturale

Affidarsi a Cashome Design & Contract per la progettazione strutturale di un edificio significa avvalersi di un pool di professionisti composto da Ingegneri strutturisti, Architetti e Impiantisti.

Progettazione Smarthome

La SmartHome è, per definizione una casa intelligente, che sfrutta un impianto integrato di tipo domotico per migliorare il comfort, la sicurezza e i consumi di chi vi abita.

Lighting design

La progettazione dell’illuminazione – lighting design – secondo Cashome è un imprescindibile elemento d’arredo per modellare suggestive atmosfere, sia indoor che outdoor.

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