Lighting design

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Lighting design

Lighting design – lighting design – is, according to Cashome, an indispensable furnishing element for shaping evocative atmospheres, both indoor and outdoor.

In this sense, Cashome Design & Contract is careful to integrate each concept with a lighting design specifically designed for each environment but especially for the needs of each client.

Real architectures of light are designed by the Cashome Team with the best products on the market to emphasize a particular style, enhance the perception of a space and enhance architectural details.

Indoor lighting design – Indoor lighting design

In indoor lighting design, Cashome Design & Contract designers meticulously weigh the interrelationship of natural and artificial light with innovative energy-saving products.

Cashome complements its designs with the most suitable types of light sources and defines both the amount of light and the relative color temperature as well as the direction of individual light beams. A careful study that integrates light cuts that radiate along the ceiling to enhance both high rooms and architectural or furniture details.

Each point of light, therefore, is transformed into a design detail that softens, enriches, adds, blurs or enhances everything of which the matter, in each room, is composed.

Outdoor Lighting Design – Lighting design

Cashome’s lighting design is also for the outdoors where the perfect lighting design allows to enhance every corner of the house and especially the outdoor area.

Cashome Design & Contract sublimates lighting to generate striking perceptions.

The scenic plays of light created stimulate the sensory component, for immersive environments with magical, unique appeal.

In concrete terms, Cashome Design & Contract guides the Client in choosing the most suitable lighting solution to meet his or her design needs:

From gardens to terraces via driveways, quality lighting designed by Cashome is also synonymous with sustainability. It ensures an excellent balance between horizontal and vertical lighting components, in favor of reduced energy consumption, with first-rate materials from leading Italian and foreign leder companies.

Our services

Rely on the professionalism of the CASHOME Design & Contract Team for the turnkey design of your home.

Progettazione e ristrutturazione

Con noi la casa è senza pensieri, progettata chiavi in mano. Cashome Design & Contract è specializzata nella progettazione edilizia integrata.

Progettazione e interior su nuova costruzione

Cashome è sempre con te, per progettare e costruire la tua casa su misura, passo dopo passo.

Progettazione interior design

Cashome Design & Contract crea progetti unici nel suo genere uno stile minimalist e moderno di Interior Design.

Progettazione strutturale

Affidarsi a Cashome Design & Contract per la progettazione strutturale di un edificio significa avvalersi di un pool di professionisti composto da Ingegneri strutturisti, Architetti e Impiantisti.

Progettazione Smarthome

La SmartHome è, per definizione una casa intelligente, che sfrutta un impianto integrato di tipo domotico per migliorare il comfort, la sicurezza e i consumi di chi vi abita.

Progettazione architettonica Outdoor

Nella filosofia CASHOME, la dimensione outdoor si integra in perfetta armonia con il paesaggio circostante. mantenendo sempre un espressione moderna e minimalist.

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