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Residential Construction

Quality, reliability and professionalism at your service.

In today’s private and residential construction market Cashome Costruction group represents a safe and constant point of reference, with its many years of experience in the field, thanks to which it is now a leading company for Italy.

Cashome Costruction group is the right choice for those looking for the best and long-lasting housing solution, thanks to the quality of services offered to customers, reliability in the selection of raw materials and enhancement of living spaces and the professionalism of a staff of highly specialized Architects able to meet all the needs of customers, who are constantly followed and assisted at every stage, from the project to the realization of their property.

Today, the company also offers its clients a range of collateral services: administrative management of condominiums, with customer service open seven days a week, ensuring the provision of continuous and effective assistance aimed at its clients.

Hydropower plants

Since 2006, Cashome Costruction group has been offering itself in the routine and extraordinary maintenance of hydroelectric power plants, design, construction and commissioning of industrial plants and in particular power plants.

Cashome Costruction group is a business in constant technical evolution and improvement, maintaining a leadership status in maintenance, design, construction of hydroelectric power plants.


Cashome Construction group is able to provide customized and comprehensive service packages from design to construction of all types of works ranging from road works, civil dwelling construction, hydroelectric power plants, steel mill construction with related maintenance.


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